Rules & Expectations

Cell Phones

Cell phones and other personal electronic devices are permitted on campus but must be turned off and out of sight during class time. Students will not be given permission to leave their class in order to use their cell phone. Confiscated items may be picked up in the office on Fridays only. (This includes the 2 minute passing period).

Hall Passes
  • Any student out of class is required to have an official pass
  • Students will not be issued a pass to use the telephone, cell phone, vending or machines during class time.
  • Students will not be allowed in any office during class time without a pass or referral from his / her assigned teacher.
Out of Bounds (Closed Campus)

Discipline may be assigned to those who are in the areas of campus that are closed. Designated areas of the campus are closed to students during nutrition and lunch. Out of bound areas include, but are not limited to: parking lots; bike, moped and motorcycle parking areas; private property and areas surrounding the campus; handball courts; bus stop. Students who have legitimate reasons to leave campus during school hours must present a note from their parent / guardian to the attendance office. Permits to leave school must be secured prior to leaving campus.


Detention will be served by students who are tardy to school without a valid reason (unexcused) on the day that the student was late, or the following day. Students will be assigned detention for 15 minutes (late 1 to 15 minutes), 30 minutes (late 16 to 30 minutes) or 60 minutes (more than 30 minutes late).

Detention may be assigned to a student as a consequence for other classroom or campus misbehavior. Students not serving detention will be referred to the counselor and / or principal for a follow-up parent / student / staff conference. Other possible consequences may include in-school or at home suspension.

In-School Suspension (ISS)

In-school suspension is temporary removal from a single period or all day for behavioral reasons.  

Visitors on Campus

Students are not allowed to bring friends / relatives to school as visitors. Parents (need to check in at the Principals Office) are welcome on campus and classroom visitations can be arranged with at least a 24-hour notice.

Food / Beverages

No food or beverages are allowed in the classrooms. Gum is not allowed on campus at anytime.

Lost & Found

The Lost and Found is located in the office. Please contact school secretary for assistance.

Student ID

Students must be in possession of student I.D. whenever on campus, at school-sponsored activities or in order to receive school services. Student’s initial ID will be provided at no charge. To replace lost I.D’s there will be a $5 replacement fee charged.

Excessive Display of Affection

Excessive display of affection is inappropriate on school grounds or at school sponsored activities. Violation will result in administrative action, and / or counselor and parent contact / conference.